Mute off
Mute off the conversation
Function activation/deactivation
Function activation is controlled by pressing and holding button for 0.5 s. If activation is successful Green GSM and
battery LED's light up and device makes a short tone. Desired function is activated right after minimal time (0,5 s) button
is released. This is made to prevent accidental function activation. If button is not released and pressed longer than 3s,
function is not activated. Green GSM and battery LED’s light down and short tone informs that function is not activated.
If function was activated accidentally hold the button for more than 3 s and function will not be activated.
Turn off button
Power on/off (no. 2) button is used to turn off device. Device turn off is activated then this button is pressed and hold
for 5s or longer. Short tone and green/red (both at the same time) battery LED will indicate device turning off.
Time of the buttons activation is configurable via terminal or special commands (see configuration using terminal).
Reset button
Device can be reset by pressing the reset button. In order to prevent accidentally pressing this button it can be reached
only with something sharp and long (paper clip, needle). Reset button is in backside of device.
Button ID
Every button on the device has its ID number, which can be sent to the server with other data as IO element. In this case
user can identify which button activates GPRS data transfer.
Identifier can be enabled: Device configuration →Connections and Data tab → Periodical and alarm data.
When identifier of pressed button ID is activated as alarm, button ID will be sent with alarm data. When identifier is
activated as periodical parameter, it will be sent with periodically sent data.
Device attaches information about last pressed button when sends data to server: