In Scenarios window four different scenarios are available, two per each Digital Output
(DOUT). Only one per digital output can be active at a same time, e.g. DOUT1 can have either
ECO driving or Over Speeding enabled, DOUT2 can have either Authorized Driving or Immobilizer
Scenarios configurable parameters are shown in Figure 31. All values of these parameters
are described in chapter 12.
Figure 31 FM55 Features->Scenarios Configuration
Trip window offers user to configure Trip feature. If Trip is enabled configuration of
parameters is available:
Start Speed – speed, which is detected as minimum speed to indicate Trip start.
Ignition Off Timeout – timeout to wait if ignition was off, to detect Trip stop.
Continuous distance counting – Not or Continuous can be chosen. For this feature
I/O Odometer must be enabled.