01000 Accelerate
01001 Accelerator Override
01010 Preprogrammed set speed 1
01011 Preprogrammed set speed 2
01100 Preprogrammed set speed 3
01101 Preprogrammed set speed 4
01110 Preprogrammed set speed 5
01111 Preprogrammed set speed 6
10000 Preprogrammed set speed 7
10001 Preprogrammed set speed 8
10010 PTO set speed memory 1
10011 PTO set speed memory 2
10100-11110 not defined
11111 Not available
Off/Disabled 00000b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor enable switch is in the off
Hold 00001b — used to indicate that the PTO governor is active and currently maintaining a
captured operating speed.
Remote Hold 00010b — used to indicate that the remote PTO governor is active and the PTO
governor is currently maintaining a captured operating speed.
Standby 00011b — used to indicate that the PTO governor device enable switch is in the ON
position and it is possible to manage the PTO governor.
Remote Standby 00100b — used to indicate that the remote PTO governor device enable switch
is in the ON position and it is possible to manage the PTO governor.
Set 00101b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is establishing current speed as the
operating speed (captured value).
Decelerate/Coast 00110b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of ramping
down, or coasting, from the current operating speed.
Resume 00111b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of resuming the
operating speed to a previously captured value.
Accelerate 01000b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of ramping up the
operating speed.
Accelerator Override 01001b—used to indicate that the PTO governor is active but for the
present time the engine is controlled by a large driver’s demand.
Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 1 01010b—used to indicate that the PTO device is
establishing a first preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current
operating speed.
Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 2 01011b—used to indicate that the PTO device is
establishing a second preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the
current operating speed.
Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 3 01100b —used to indicate that the remote PTO
device is establishing a third preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as
the current operating speed.