For example, if FM1000 is configured to send an SMS, when Digital Input 1 reaches High level,
with priority High and configured to generate event on both range enter and exit, then the sent
SMS is:
/1 12:00:00 Digital Input 1”
The SMS Text field can be altered and any text can be entered. Maximum message length is 90
symbols (numbers, letters and symbols in ASCII, e
xcept for comma “,”).
If FM1000 is in Deep Sleep mode and SMS event occurs with LOW priority
(which does not wake up FM1000), then the device does not send the message.
It is saved in device memory until it wakes up from Deep Sleep mode and GSM
modem starts working normally. After it wakes up, all the messages that are
saved in memory will be sent, but keep in mind that only 10 messages can be
saved in memory
all other messages will not be saved, until there is room in
device memory.
FM1000 sends SMS event message when a configured property enters and/or exits its configured
High/Low boundaries or Hysteresis event generation is chosen (Monitoring does not generate
event, so SMS event could not be configured). Every element of SMS event can be configured to
send individual message to different numbers.
Operator list
Operators list is used to select preferred operator in home and roaming network. First
row (01) is reserved to home operator code. If operator list first row is left empty, FM1000
device automatically connects to SIM home operator, which is automatically detected and
FM1000 will work in Home mode. Next
rows (02, 03, 04 …) are used as preferred operators in
roaming network. Operator list is used for Data Acquisition Mode switching (see chapter
5.11 Data Acquisition Mode settings for more details).
Figure 21. Operator list configuration