Deep Sleep mode
While in deep sleep mode, FM1000 sets GNSS receiver to sleep mode and turns off
GSM/GPRS module (it is not possible to wake up device via SMS). Despite records with last
known coordinate are being saved and send to AVL server (GSM/GPRS module is turned on to
send data and after that it is turned off again), power usage is
decreased to save vehicle’s
battery. Note, that power saving depends on two configurable parameters: send period and min.
record saving period
in “X on Stop Mode”
Online Deep Sleep mode. Works same as Deep Sleep mode, but does not turn off the
modem. So FM can receive call or SMS in sleep and can start send GPRS data faster (useful for
Towing Detection functionality). Online Deep Sleep difference from regular Sleep mode is that
despite modem is kept ON, we still preserve low power usage. According to which Online Deep
Sleep is in between Sleep and Deep Sleep modes.
FM1000 can enter deep sleep mode if
of these conditions are met:
FM1000 has to be configured to work in Deep Sleep mode;
Device must be synchronized time with GNSS satellites;
FM1000 has to be in
„X on Stop Mode“ (Configured by Mode switch
Movement by accelerometer is not detected;
Ignition (Configured to be detected by Power Voltage, Ignition or
Accelerometer) is off;
Min. Record Saving Period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) must be
bigger than Active Data Link Timeout parameter, that FM1000 could close GPRS
Send period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) minus Active Data Link
Timeout must be more than 90 sec., that FM1000 could close GPRS link for at least
90 sec.
USB cable is not connected.
Sleep timeout is reached.
FM1000 exits deep sleep mode when if
of following conditions are true:
Movement by accelerometer is detected;
Ignition (Configured to be detected by Power Voltage, Ignition or Accelerometer) is
turned on.
USB cable is connected;
Note: In order to save GPRS traffic records saved in deep sleep mode do not
contain below listed I/O elements information:
PDOP, HDOP, Odometer, Speedometer , Cell ID, Area Code, GNSS power