Excessive Idling Detection Scenario
informs you if your vehicle is stationary but engine is
on for selected period of time to help you to save fuel.
Jamming detection Scenario
detects GSM connection jamming to inform you that your
vehicle security could be in danger.
Alarm Scenari
generates event if FM1000 receives an alarm command from remote
control. The function is available if you use FM1000 with RC1000. For more information about
RC1000, please contact to your local sales representative.
Crash detection Scenario
informs you if
your vehicle got in an accident.
Unplug detection Scenario
generates event when FM1000 is unplugged from OBD socket.
Trip customizable feature enables user extended monitoring of performed trips (from
engine start at present location to engine stop at arrived location), log their start and stop points,
view driven total distance
. Event will be
generated (included into send records) only
when trip
starts and finishes. If Private/Business
trip is configured, then by default private trip will start,
unless before turning ignition on r
emote control’s button is pressed.
In case of standard trip
onality, at the beginning of the trip event will be generated with value “1”. In case of
Private/Business trip
, the value of trip start will be “2” or “3”, “2” being private trip and “3” –
Note: Scenarios and Trip features are activated only if Ignition (Configured to
be detected by Power Voltage, Ignition or Accelerometer) is turned on.
Geofencing is another feature which is highly customizable and can detect wherever car
enters or leaves customized areas. More about Geofencing can be read in 5.11.3 Geofencing
settings chapter.
Auto Geofencing feature if enabled is activated automatically by turning off car Ignition
(Configured to be detected by Power Voltage, Ignition or Accelerometer). Next time before
driving user has to disable Auto Geofencing by turning on car ignition (Configured to be detected
by Power Voltage, Ignition or Accelerometer). In case of theft car leaves Auto Geofencing zone
without authorization FM1000 device automatically sends high priority record to AVL application.
Towing Detection
Towing detection feature helps to inform driver about car deporting. FM generates event
when car is being towed
or risen, for example in case of vehicle evacuation.
Continuous odometer
total driven distance, works only in TRIP mode. Continuos distance is counted only
for ONE trip. If trip is finnished (stop point is detected), odometer resets to 0 (zero). Next trip will start counting
from the begining.
The function is available if you use FM1000 with RC1000. For more information about RC1000, please
contact to your local sales representative.