: here the identifier of the admin or super admin is shown, who has registered the
new user. This is filled in automatically by the system. If the new user has been added using
the programming software, then “
” will be shown here.
Callback requested
: the system is able to confirm a successful control call by callback.
Callback request can be enabled for each user separately. This function is not available
when “
Online mode
” is enabled at the internet access settings.
SMS response requested
: the system is able to confirm a successful control by SMS.
Confirmation of controls in SMS can be enabled for each user separately.
Push notification permissions
: enables or disables the doorbell function assigned by factory default to input
IN1, globally for all smart devices of the given user. If this option is enabled, then those
smart devices for which the “
Doorbell (IN1)
” option is also enabled in the “
” window, will receive ringing notifications by Push notification when input IN1
is activated. If this option is disabled, then the smart devices of the given user will not
receive ringing notifications.
Technical error
: enables or disables the error notification function assigned by factory
default to input IN2, globally for all smart devices of the given user. If this option is
enabled, then those smart devices for which the “
Technical error (IN1)
” option is also
enabled in the “
Client identifier
” window, will receive “
Technical or device error
messages by Push notification when input IN2 is activated. If this option is disabled,
then the smart devices of the given user will not receive technical error notifications.
Gate position limit error
: enables or disables the position limit error notification
function assigned by factory default to inputs IN3 and IN4, globally for all smart devices
of the given user. If this option is enabled, then those smart devices for which the
Gate position limit error (IN3/IN4)
” option is also enabled in the “
Client identifier
window, will receive messages by Push notification if the gate fails to open or close
within the configured time intervals. If this option is disabled, then the smart devices of
the given user will not receive gate position limit error notifications. If a gate position limit
error occurs, the module sends the error notification by Push notification to all users for
which this option is enabled.
SMS notifications
Gate position limit error
: enables or disables position limit error notification sending by
SMS to the given user
’s phone number, function assigned by factory default to inputs
IN3 and IN4. If this option is enabled, the module sends notification by SMS if the gate
fails to open or close within the configured time intervals. If a gate position limit error
occurs, the module sends the error notification by SMS to all users for which this option
is enabled.
Camera 1, Camera 2
: enables access to the IP cameras. If this option is enabled, access to
the pictures of the cameras will be available in the smartphone applications of the given
user, according to the settings.