56050801 - Rev B
© 2017 Telguard
connected to the Telguard unit in order to provide independent sensor input for
other functions, such as tamper detection.
The message that is sent from the TCC to the central station is configurable in
Telguard Online. The Telguard will automatically be configured with a unit template
that allows configuration of the trip input feature, including the message that is
sent to the central station. There is a default event configured for each alarm
format, so that if the Telguard is configured with the butt-set to send trip input
events to the TCC, a default notification will be sent to the central station. If
the Telguard is configured to report restorals, the contact closure will also be
Swinger Function
The swinger function is designed to reduce the incidence of excessive messaging and
alarms due to faulty equipment or installation. If enabled, the swinger function
will discontinue sending trip input messages to the TCC once 10 trip events are
detected within a 10 minute period. The Telguard device will resume sending trip
input messages to the TCC after a 10 minute period without trip events.
Step 2: Locate Unit and Measure Signal Strength (RSSI)
Locate Unit
Temporarily place the Telguard unit near the alarm panel. Permanent mounting should
only be done after determining the optimum cellular reception location.
Connect Power
Option 1: Backup Battery and AC Power Transformer
To apply power to the Telguard, attach a battery to the battery connector jack
using the supplied battery cable.
If the need for a different size cable arises,
the Telguard provides an alternate screw-in terminal connection for the battery.
Backup battery must be sized appropriately to meet installation requirements.
Connect the Telguard AC power transformer (see A3.2 for acceptable UL Listed
transformers) to AC terminals using stranded copper insulated wire following wire
gauge and length recommendations below:
Recommended Wire Size
Length Not to Exceed
18 ga
20 ft
16 ga
40 ft
14 ga
60 ft
Option 2: DC Power
To apply DC power to Telguard from a host alarm panel, connect the panel power and
ground connections into the respective DC and GND connections on the Telguard. When
using this option, no other power connections (battery or AC) should be wired.
Connect Antenna and Temporarily Place Unit
The Telguard unit is supplied with an antenna. In most cases the antenna can be
mounted directly to the unit. If necessary, the antenna may be moved to a better
signal location using optional cable and bracket accessories.
The performance of
the antenna may be affected by the wall or materials contained within the wall
chosen for mounting.
These effects may not be clearly identified by RSSI
monitoring alone.
The wall materials may have a more pronounced effect on the
antenna transmit band performance.