Figure 57.-
Abbreviated form
You can vary the frequency by using the rotating knob (in the terrestrial band with a resolution
of 50 KHz and in the satellite band 100 KHz), or by using the number pad.
In the extended window, the following information appears:
Figure 58.-
Extended form
When in
Viewing - Measurements mode
, if the extended window is selected for the level
measurement then this will always be used when carrying out this measurement, until we
change the viewing mode. V/A
(only the terrestrial band)
The window that appears when carrying out this measurement is the following:
Figure 59.-
V/A measurement. Channel tuning
Selected channel
Signal level in the tuned
V/A measurement
Audio carrier
Audio carrier level
Channel tuning mode:
information on the tuned channel
Signal level
Preamplifier powering (OFF)
Colour standard
Channel plan
22 KHz tone. In this case, it is disabled
Audio carrier (MHz above the video
Bandwidth of the measurement filter
Frequency tuning mode:
information on the tuned
Signal level
Multimetter FSM 500
Ref. 5903