(4) Clear/Menu
This makes the menu buttons appear and disappear from onscreen. It is also used to close the
windows that appear in the middle of the screen (measurement windows, parameter selection
windows, etc).
(5) Back
This button has two functions: if the user is entering some data using the number pad
(frequency or password), then this button is used to erase the last digit entered, however
in all other cases this button is used to return to the previous menu.
(6) Main
By pressing this button, the user returns to the main menu.
(7) Number pad and short cut buttons
The number pad allows us to enter the frequency that we want to tune. In the following
sections, the
symbol will be used to indicate the parameters that can be configured
using the number pad.
Some of the buttons on the number pad are also short cut buttons to the most commonly
used functions.
The following sections explain all of these functions in detail. The functions with a short cut
button will have a picture of this button beside them.
Figura 4.-
Teclado principal
(8) Chan
Selects the channel tuning mode. If there is a measurement window open, the tuned
channel will be displayed in it. If there is no window open, the previous measurement
window will be automatically opened.
Multimetter FSM 500
Ref. 5903