Configuring the Inputs
The inputs are assigned the generic name IN1 and IN2.
Using the «Auxiliary controls» menu of the TelecoHUB App it is possible to
change the names of the function the inputs have been assigned to.
For example, if input IN1 is connected to the sensor that reads skylight
status, its name can be changed to “Skylight”; also, the labels that describe
its status can be changed by giving them the names “Open” and “Closed”.
It is also possible - via the same menu - to define if the input must be used
as an alarm on opening or closing of the contact.
To configure the inputs use a smartphone that has been Bluetooth paired
with the HUB:
1. Remain close to the HUB and open the TelecoHUB App on the
smartphone (if the App is already open, scroll the screen down to force
reconnection): the smartphone automatically connects to the HUB via
2. Press Menu
and select the «Auxiliary Controls» item
3. Press on the input you intend to configure, then carry out modifications
and confirm by pressing “Send”
Warning! This page
defines whether the
input must be used as
an alarm on opening or
closing of the contact.
The alarm will only
be active when
enabled on the alarms
page (see “Alarms
Configuration” section).