Model CFA-24 Transparent Cable Farm Automation Switch Reference Manual Page 37 of 78
The Network Monitor screen example shows a three-unit system.
search the CFA-24 Network to discover all units where the Controller IP address value for that unit matches
the Controller’s IP address displayed on the Network Monitoring screen.
Remove Selected Units:
any unit on the screen with the Select box checked is removed from CFA-24 Network when
this button is clicked. When the Search button is clicked, if the unit is still physically connected to the network and has
the same IP address as the Controller, it appears again in the Network Monitoring screen.
checkbox used to select a unit for removal when the Remove Selected Units button is clicked.
dropdown allows user to change the status of the related unit to online or offline. Online means the
unit should be included in the CFA-24 Network. Offline means that it should not be included in the CFA-24 Network.
This selection does not physically disconnect the unit.
Manually taking a unit offline may cause other units to be taken offline also. For instance, taking the
unit using segments 1-5 (and channels 25-48) offline would force all units in a higher segment range
to be taken offline.
Conn (Connection) Status:
A red LED appears when a unit is not communicating with the Controller. A green LED
appears when the unit is communicating with the Controller.
A unit can have a connection status of “not connected” and still have an online status. This can occur
if the unit becomes physically disconnected but the user still wishes it to be in the CFA Network.
shows the unique static IP address of the CFA unit.