your PC. Most UNIX and Linux distributions install a SSH client by default. Additional software, e.g. PuTTY, usually
has to be installed on a Windows PC.
Follow these steps to log in via SSH:
Enter ssh <IP address of the device> in a terminal. The login prompt window appears. You are now in the SN-
MP shell of the device.
Follow the provisions set forth in
on page 20.
The way an SSH connection is set up largely depends on the software used. Check the documentation related
to the program you are using. The login prompt window will appear as soon as you have connected to the
device. You are now in the SNMP shell of the device.
Follow the provisions set forth in
on page 20.
6.2 Login
With the help of certain access data, you can log in on your device and carry out different actions. The extent of the
actions available depend on the authorizations of the user concerned.
A login prompt appears first, regardless of how you access your device. You cannot view any information on the
device or change the configuration without authentication.
6.2.1 User names and passwords in ex works state
In the ex works state, your device is provided with the following user names and passwords:
User names and passwords in ex works state
Login name
Read and change system variables, save configurations; use GUI.
Read and write system variables (except passwords) (changes are lost when you
switch off your device).
Read system variables (except passwords).
The user name admin allows you to change and save configurations, and to modify access information (user names
and passwords). For security reasons, passwords generally appear on the Setup Tool screen only as asterisks (not
in plain text). User names, however, are displayed as plain text.
The security feature on your device allows you to read all configuration settings via the
user name, but not the
access information. Therefore, it is impossible to log in with read, read the password of the admin user and log in as
admin to make changes to the configuration.
All Teldat devices are delivered with the same username and password. As a result, and for as long as
said password remains unchanged, they are not protected against unauthorized use. Section
on page 10 shows how to change passwords.
Make sure you change the password to stop your device from being unduly accessed!
If you have forgotten your password, you must reset your device to the ex works state (meaning your
configuration will be lost).
6.2.2 Logging in for Configuration
Set up a connection to the device. Section
on page 18 describes the access options.
6 Access and configuration
Teldat SA