Chapter 6 Access and configuration
This chapter describes the access and configuration options.
6.1 Access Options
• Via your LAN.
6.1.1 Access via LAN
Accessing via one of the Ethernet interfaces allows you to open GUI in a web browser (for configuration purposes)
and to access your device via Telnet or SSH.
If you use GUI to carry out your initial configuration, using other configuration options to install addition-
al settings may cause inconsistencies or malfunctions. Therefore, we recommend using GUI until the
configuration process is completed. If you use SNMP shell commands, carry on using this configuration
method. HTTP/HTTPS
With a current web browser, you can use the HTML interfaces to configure your device.
The configuration can be set up using GUI. To do this, enter your device's IP address in the web browser's address
With a DHCP server:
• The IP address that the DHCP server assigned to your device.
Without a DHCP server:
• With direct connection to the configuration PC: fallback IP address
• The fixed IP address assigned via Dime Manager.
Press the Enter (Return) key . Telnet
A Telnet connection allows you to access the SNMP shell and use other configuration options.
You do not need any additional software on your PC to set up a Telnet connection. Telnet is available for all operat-
ing systems.
Proceed as follows:
Click on Run… in the Windows Start menu.
Enter telnet <IP address of your device>.
Click onOK. A window with the login prompt appears. You are now in the SNMP shell of your device.
Follow the steps in
on page 20.
You can also set up a trouble-free Telnet connection on UNIX and Linux:
Enter telnet <IP address of your device> in a terminal. A window with the login prompt appears. You are now
6 Access and configuration
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