Your device can now be reached over the Ethernet with its IP address using a web browser. It may now be con-
GUI Call up
Fig. 5:
Start the configuration interface as follows:
(a) Enter the IP address of your device in the address line of your web browser.
With a DHCP server:
• The IP address that the DHCP server assigned to your device.
Without a DHCP server:
• With direct connection to the configuration PC: fallback IP address
• The fixed IP address assigned via Dime Manager.
Press the Enter (Return) key.
(b) Enter admin in the User field and admin in the Password field.
3.5 Modify system password
All Teldat devices are delivered with the same username and password. As a result, and for as long as said pass-
word remains unchanged, they are not protected against unauthorized use. Make sure you change the password to
prevent your device from being unduly accessed!
Proceed as follows:
(a) Go to the System Management ->Global Settings Settings->Passwords menu.
(b) Enter a new password under System Admin Password.
(c) Enter the new password again under Confirm Admin Password.
(d) Click on OK.
(e) Store the configuration using the Save configuration button on top of the navigation menu.
Note the following rules on password use:
• The password should not be easily guessed. Names, car registration numbers, dates of birth, etc. should not be
chosen as passwords.
• The password should contain at least one character that is not a letter (special character or number).
• The password should be at least 8 characters long.
• Change your password regularly, e.g. every 90 days.
3 Basic configuration
Teldat SA