User Manual
For information on printing from workstations and setting up spooling
systems, you can contact HAL, the Tektronix automated fax system by
calling direct (503) 682-7450 or, in the United States or Canada, by calling
toll-free 1-800-835-6100. Refer to “Using the automated fax systems” on
page 6-3 for details on using the HAL system.
The printer-control PostScript files that are on the printer diskettes
(PC format) can be used for Unix workstations. These files let you set up
your spooling system to select between media trays, print quality modes,
color correction modes and other features. Most workstations with 3.5-inch
disk drives provide a device driver that allows you to mount a PC floppy
If you don’t have the means of transferring utility files to control printer
features from the PC diskette, you can download utilities and files from the
Tektronix Bulletin Board Service (BBS) or request files from the Tektronix
Color Printer Information Server, an automatic file serving program on the
Internet. Refer to Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting,” for information about
accessing Tektronix’ Bulletin Board Service or Color Printer Information