Product overview
About this manual
This manual is intended for use only by trained Challenger installation and
configuration technicians.
The manual introduces the TS1066 Network Access Controller (NAC) and covers
all aspects of programming the NAC.
Related documentation
TS1066 Network Access Controller Installation Manual
provides instructions
on installing the Network Access Controller.
ChallengerPlus Programming Manual
provides detailed information about
Challenger system configuration and programming.
The Challenger system is modular. Refer also to the documentation that is
shipped with each module that you intend to use.
CTPlus Operators Manual
and the CTPlus online help describe the CTPlus
user interface and all available programming options for Challenger
and the
Network Access Controller
is a complete access control solution
which allows you to manage not only your door and lift access requirements but
also supports intrusion applications.
The flexible connection options mean you can connect the NAC directly to your
management software without the need for other panel hardware, or you can
connect to the Challenger
panel for an easy upgrade on your existing site.
Powerful processing and on-board storage means the NAC suits a range of
applications from small standalone systems, to distributed systems covering
hundreds of thousands of users.
The Network Access Controller has the following features:
Compatible with Challenger
Direct Ethernet and USB connections to supported management software
via up to ten communications paths
Supports up to eight doors (depending on operating mode)
Large memory capacity (depending on operating mode):
250,000 users
10,000 door groups