Modèle du 29/10/2015
3 Allée Michaël FARADAY
Parc d’activités STELYTEC
42400 SAINT-CHAMOND (France)
Tel : +33 (0) 4 77 22 25 91
Fax : + 33 (0) 4 77 22 38 93
E-mail : [email protected]
The marking depth depends on the
impact power
, and also the
distance between the stylus and the part
For M4 inline machine, advised distance is 3 mm. With this tuning the marking depth result is gradual from Force 1
to 6.
During integration it may be necessary to modify the distance between stylus and part. Operating range for each
force is as follow:
Force 1 : from 1 mm to 4 mm
Force 2 : from 2 mm to 6 mm
Force 3 : from 2 mm to 8 mm
Force 4 : from 2 mm to 8 mm
Force 5 : from 2 mm to 8 mm
Force 6 : from 2 mm to 8 mm
Respecting the distance stylus‐part is fundamental to get the desired marking depth with an optimal marking quality
For the weak forces (1, 2 or 3), if the stylus is too far it will not touch the part during the marking.
For the high forces (4, 5 and 6), more the stylus is far (in the limit of its potential travel of 9mm), more the impact
will be powerful.
Note: marking small characters with a high force can create an illegible marking.
To avoid constraints with the distance settings, Technomark allows you to use the technology
When activating the IDI function (see
marking parameters
) a
suitable marking depth
is applied, whatever the
distance stylus/part is, in the
range of 1 to 8 mm
to ensure a constant rendering.
When the
function is activated, the machine makes a test impact to evaluate the distance and adjust the force
used to correspond to what is asked for.
IDI function is available in two different modes:
Flat mode
: The test impact is done at each beginning of line. This is ideal for flat shapes, with little slope.
: Ideal to have the same hitting depth on the part, without worrying about the distance.
Curved mode
: The test impact is done at each beginning of character. This mode allows a constant depth
when marking on cylinders, corrugated parts, …
: Ideal to mark parts with a constant depth when they present an uneven distance along the length of
the marking.
Marking with IDI curved mode and without IDI