DVD SL (single layer 4.7GB)
DVD DL (dual layer 8.5GB)
If the System was purchased with Blu-ray capability then the following media types will
also be available:
BD SL (Blu-ray single layer 25GB)
BD DL (Blu-ray dual layer 50GB)
The administrator is free to designate the hopper and media types as required. For
convenience, there are some predefined hopper configurations that allow very easy
selection and setup. For more information on media types see the Administrator Guide
1.4.4 Hopper Types
The current hopper types and approximate
number of discs in each hopper are shown in the
hopper status display. Input hoppers that have
levels above the administrator-defined low-media
threshold will appear green, and input hoppers (or
‘group of input hoppers’) that are below this threshold will turn red. A ‘group of input
hoppers’ is where more than one hopper has the same input media type. As an example,
if there are two input hoppers with CD media, the hoppers will only turn red once the
combined number of discs in both hoppers falls below the administrator-defined low-
media threshold. See Administrator Guide: Thresholds for more information about
System thresholds, which also affect e-mail notifications for low media and low ink levels.
Once output hoppers reach almost full, they will turn red to indicate they are almost full
and will soon need attention.
The output hoppers will display the number of discs placed in that hopped since the door
was last opened. The system will reset this count to zero whenever the door is opened.
Each hopper will have a media type associated with it and the current function of that
hopper is also indicated in the form of ‘Input’, or ‘Output’. Note that some hopper
configurations will allow a hopper to change from an ‘Input’ to an ‘Output’ automatically
once the input becomes empty. This feature is known as ‘rotating hoppers’ and the
hopper display will automatically update to show the new configuration. Hoppers can be
reset back to their original state at any time by opening the System door, emptying the
burned media, and placing new blank media in to the hoppers originally designated as
input. Once the door is closed, choose ‘Reset Hoppers = Yes’ on the System
LCD/Touchpad. By default the AP-150 does not operate in rotating hopper mode, and
this must be enabled by an administrator.
1.4.5 Network Status / Transfer Status
The current network status is shown at all times except for during file transfer. The
network status should be either ‘Online’ or ‘Offline’, and indicates the availability of the
System for network transfers and job control.