User Manual of Solar Intelligent Energy System (SIES)
TBB Power Confidential Page
2.3 Energier Pro inverter charger combination
Energier Pro bi-directional inverter is a new generation inverter charger combination, which
integrates a powerful battery charger, true sine wave inverter and a high speed AC transfer switch
into a single enclosure. Meantime, its multiple energy management functions / accessories enables
the users to configure advanced hybrid independent power systems for various applications.
For detailed information of Energier Pro, please refer to its user manual.
2.4 Solar Mate MPPT charger controller
Solar Mate MPPT charge controller is a solar charge controller with built-in Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT) technology, which can optimize the PV’s output by eliminating the fluctuation due
to shading or temperatures variation. It tracks the maximum power point of a PV array in order to
deliver the maximum charging current to battery, so that the energy generation of PV array can be
significantly increased by as much as 30% comparing with PWM technology.
For detailed information of Solar Mate, please refer to its user manual.
2.5 Smart Box (SMB)
Smart Box is an intelligent power distribution box, which was designed with the target not only to
simplify the installation of SIES system, but also strengthen the system functions with built-in
components such as MEDU (Multiple Energy Detection Unit), circuit breakers, central monitor and
maintenance bypass, etc.
Smart Box contains the following components:
Table 6 Components of Smart Box
AC input
Circuit breaker, SPD, Terminals
AC output
Residual current device, Manual Bypass Circuit Breaker, Load Management Unit,
PV input
Circuit Breaker and relevant Terminals
Circuits Breaker and relevant Terminals
MEDU is the energy detection unit, which collects the status information from the following
components and communicates with Cyber central monitor. Its functions are described as following