Seite 24 von 45
The ZAPPER – function is programmed to run automatically after a touch on it’s icon in the
window THERA. It’s square wave signal is completely DC-OFFSET and has a fixed
amplitude of 5Vpp. The frequency is preset to 40,000Hz.
The only variable to be set by the user is the time for an active cycle. Dr. CLARK
recommends 7 minutes, but some user’s prefer a different time.
The ZAPPER session is defined as 3 active cycles separated by 2 passive cycles. The
passive cycle is three times as long as an active cycle. The user can disconnect from the
device during the passive cycles and reconnect when the end of the passive cycle is
Touch the tab SETUP, than the icon “TIMER” and define the time for an active cycle. 7
minutes are used in the example displayed below.
Touch the tab THERA to display it’s window.
Active cycle
7 minutes
P a s s i v e C y c l e
2 1 m i n u t e s
Active cycle
7 minutes
P a s s i v e C y c l e
2 1 m i n u t e s
Active cycle
7 minutes
Touch the icon “ZAPP”.
window shown as 2
image on
the left is displayed.
It shows the frequency, the memory position ‘01’
controlling the 1
active cycle, the timer counting
down from 7 minutes and the 5Vpp output signal
The 3
image on the left is displayed as soon as
the timer ends the first active cycle.
It shows memory position ‘02’ controlling the 1
inactive cycle. The timer counts down from 21
minutes and the output signal is inactive.
When the timer ends, the window with memory
position ‘03’ (not shown as image on the left)
controlling the 2
active cycle opens, and so on,
until the ZAPPER session ends.
Since the ZAPPER function is programmed as a
sequence of 5 memory positions the user can
select each memory position and, if he sees
reason to, modify the frequency and/or the wave