Marchesan Implementos e Máquinas Agrícolas “TATU” S.A.
RC² 2600 CL / RC² 2600 LSL / RC² 3100 CL
28 mm
After the first hour of operation, verify if the slip clutch has overheated. After the first
verification, verify weekly or if a overheat on the assembly is detected. To adjust the slip
clutch, tighten the bolts (A) from the compression spring, keeping a length of
28 mm.
(check the illustration below).
The slip clutch must be checked periodically and adjusted to compensate the friction
of the set. The discs (B) have a thickness of 5 mm when they are new. Replace them as
soon as they get to 1.5 mm. If the rotary cutter stays inative for a long period or in a humid
place, carry out the verification on the next page to be sure that the discs and flanges are
not oxidized. Things that must be checked weekly in the slip clutch discs: the presence of
oil or grease and wearing/humidity that may cause corrosion of the discs.
IMPORTANT The discs (B) must be replaced as soon as they get to a thickness
of 1.5 mm or before, if they show bigger damages. In order to do so,
loosen the nuts (C) and disassemble the slip clutch.
• Check the average length of the compression springs (D) before disassembling them.
• Disassemble and sand the metallic parts that are attached to the discs.
• Being the clutch disassembled, the discs must swing freely between the metallic
• Replace the discs (B) when their thickness get to
1.5 millimeters
• After this procedure, assemble the clutch again.
• The compression springs (D) length must be adjusted to
28 mm
• If the clutch swing freely in a normal working operation after the maintenance, tight
the nuts (C) from the compression springs until this occurence do not happen anymore.