P r o T r a x & M a x T r a x S a w T a b l e s
Setting Up Your ProTrax and MaxTrax Saw Tables
STeP 4
Loosen two silver screws at each end of the
Boom just enough to allow the saw tracks to slide.
Retract the blade guard and set the saw in the
saw tracks at the handle end of the boom. Arrange
the saw tracks so the saw blade is lined up with
the slot in the boom. The right saw track must
be pushed up against the base of the saw so it
is captured. The left saw track should be loosely
touching the other side of the saw base.
STeP 5
The blade guard on the saw must contact the surface
of the boom. Adjust the blade depth so it is below the
surface, but not touching the bottom of the slot. The
blade may need to move toward one side of the slot
or the other to adequately hold the guard and keep it
from binding on the surface of the boom when the saw
is sliding.
STeP 6
With the saw tracks in place against the saw base,
note the position of the alignment marks on the
saw tracks and the boom end. Match up the marks
on the other end of the boom. Slide the saw from
one end of the boom to the other to be sure the
tracks guide the saw without binding. The saw will
slide smoothly when properly adjusted. Tighten the
two silver screws at each end of the boom. This
setting won’t need to change unless a different
saw is used.
STeP 7
The right hand saw track will stop the saw from
kicking up. For added safety, attach the saw keeper to
the front of the saw.
Insert the lip of the keeper at an angle into the left
saw track ahead of the saw.
Lower the keeper so it is horizontal and captured
by the saw track.
Slide the keeper under the front lip of the saw
base and clamp it to the base by tightening the knob.
The saw is now fully captured by the saw tracks. To
remove the saw, simply loosen the clamp and remove
the keeper, then rotate the saw up and out of the right
saw track.
ToP oF