P r o T r a x & M a x T r a x S a w T a b l e s
Setting Up Your ProTrax and MaxTrax Saw Tables
STeP 8
The fence on each side of the table is held in place
with a spring button that projects through a hole in the
middle of the fence. Depressing the spring button will
allow the fence to slide. The pressure of the button
under the fence will hold the fence in place after it is in
the desired position.
STeP 9
The fence can be slid off of the table. To put it back
on, slide the fence part way onto the work surface.
Depress the button to allow the fence to slide over it.
Centering the fence will allow the button to lock the
fence in place. To avoid damaging the button, don’t
ram the fence into the button.
STeP 10
To attach the material stop, align the silver nut with
the track on the back of the fence and slide the stop
assembly to the desired position. Flip the stop over
to the working side and tighten the knob to lock the
assembly in position. Flipping the stop up and back lets
you make a different cut while maintaining the material
stop position.
STeP 11
The table extensions are held in place with spring
plungers that project through the holes in the work
surfaces. Depressing the spring plungers will allow
the extensions to slide. The extensions will lock into
an intermediate or fully extended position as shown at
left. Be sure to lock the extensions in the fully closed
position for transporting.