1 controller > control via a PC
Connect your PC through its RS232 COM port to the AV32R DP and you can control the
AV32R DP and all products attached to it. An example, the AV32R DP status message, is
given below.
Hyper Terminal by Hilgrave is shipped with most versions of Microsoft Windows
Controlling your TAG McLaren System with a PC
Please visit www.tagmclaren.com/products/rs232/intro.asp and you will find a full
description of
How it Works
, how your
PC Settings
should be configured and even how to
manufacture the necessary
RS232 Cables
From the same location you can download TAG McLaren’s RS232 Message Protocol which
tells you how to communicate with the AV32R DP’s TMA1 Controller using your PC or indeed
any RS232 system controller.
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