Chapter 05:
Using Your Sahara Slate PC with Windows Vista
When you reach the end of the line, the pad will expand
automatically so you can keep on writing without having to stop.
Windows will convert your handwriting into text, on the fly, and
then insert it in the appropriate location when you tap “Insert”.
On-Screen Keyboard
Use it the same way that you would use a standard keyboard. By
tapping on the individual keys with the stylus, text and symbols
can be entered as well as Function Key equivalents and menu
item short cuts.
Tap on the “Tools” button, on any of the input panels, to
display a menu that you can use to invoke Windows Vista’s
Handwriting Personalizer, adjust where you want the input
panels to appear on the screen, undock the panel to move it
anywhere on the screen, or open the panels’ “Options” menu.