• Stream2 Setting
Sometimes the image size is large due to low light or complex scenery. Adjusting the frame rate
and quality helps to control the bandwidth and storage used by the Motion JPEG video stream in
these situations. Limiting the frame rate and quality optimizes bandwidth and storage usage, but
may give poor image quality. To prevent increased bandwidth and storage usage, the Resolution,
Frame rate, and Frame Quality should be set to an optimal value.
JPEG resolution: Same as the Stream1 Setting.
JPEG frame rate: Same as the Stream1 Setting.
- JPEG quality: Select the picture quality. If users want to have a high quality of fast image
one by one, please decrease the value. For the purpose of general monitoring, please do not
change a basic value. Such act may cause a problem to the system performance.
• Stream3 Setting
Same as the Stream1 Setting. Click the checkbox to activate the 3
When satisfied with the settings, click Save, or click Reset to revert to previously saved settings.
4) Audio
The Network Camera can transmit audio to other clients using an external microphone and can play
audio received from other clients by attaching a speaker. The Setup page has an additional menu item
called Audio, which allows different audio configurations, such as, full duplex, and simplex.