Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
Other problems such as inaccessible calls, failed registrations, incorrect numbers and
abnormal dialing operations on the FXS port are probably caused by configuration errors. We
suggest you refer to
Chapter 3 WEB Configuration
for further examination. If you still cannot
figure out or solve your problems, please feel free to contact our technicians.
5. What to do if I cannot enter the WEB interface of the SMG gateway after login?
This problem may happen on some browsers. To settle it, follow the instructions here to
configure your browser. Enter ‘Tools > Internet Options >Security Tab’, and add the current IP
address of the gateway into ‘Trusted Sites’. If you changes the IP address of the gateway,
add your new IP address into the above settings too.
SMG Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 1.0)
Page 48