These buttons have 2 different functions:
Sampler mode (RED PLAY BUTTONS):
The 5 buttons are used as play buttons
for the sampler. You can assign (record) 1 sample to each play button. You can
easily see which play buttons contain a sample: a play button containing a sample
is lit (red light). An empty play button is dark.
These buttons are used as presets
for the different effects. There are 2 different kinds of effects: beat related effects
(echo, auto pan, flanger, auto filter, trans) and non beat related effects (manual
filter, reverb, pitch shifter)
Beat related effects:
Each button has one of the following inscriptions: 2 – 4
– 8 – 16 – 32. These digits are related to the measured beat. Once the
preset is selected, it lights up. You can also select the additional presets by
pushing the “X-parameter knob” (24) while you select the presets 2 - 4 - 8 or
16. In that case the preset button starts flashing to indicate that the indication
above the button (1/8 - 1/4 – ½ or 1/1) is selected. It’s good to know that the
last used preset is preserved when you change to another effect.
: if the “echo” effect is selected and you choose for preset “2”,
you will notice that the sound is repeated every 2 beats. If you choose
“4”, the sound repeats every 4 beats. Select the ½-preset if you want
the music to be repeated every half beat.
Non beat related effects:
In this case the inscriptions on the preset buttons
are not important. The SMX-3 comes with standard presets for each of the
non beat related effects. However you can adjust these parameters with the
X and Y parameter knobs (24, 25) to your own taste. To save your adjusted
parameters, simply press the X-parameter knob (24) while you select one of
the 5 preset buttons. The standard parameters will be replaced by your own
settings. You can set 5 custom presets for each effect and adapt these at
any time.
This knob has several functions:
Effect mode:
adjusts the X-parameter of the different effects. Pressing this knob
while you press one of the preset buttons adds extra possibilities:
Beat related effects:
you can select extra beat presets.
Non beat related effects:
you can store your own parameters to one of the
preset buttons.
Sampler mode:
there are 3 possible functions:
Playback/record mode:
turn the knob to choose the desired memory bank
and press the knob to select it.
Sample edit mode:
turn the knob to search for the exact start or endpoint of
the sample. (see further to learn how to edit samples)
External effect return:
when the mixer is in sampler mode, you can connect
an external effect unit. Press and turn the knob to adjust the volume of the
return signal between -50dB and +0dB.
This button has different functions:
Effect mode:
Used to adjust the “Y” parameter of the effects. Please read section
27 since its function is different for each effect.
Sampler mode:
there are 2 functions:
Playback mode:
adjust the overall playback speed from -80% to +20% in 3
different ways:
Adapt in 0,1% steps:
simply turn the knob to change the speed.
Adapt in 2% steps:
press the knob while turning to change the speed.
Reset speed to 0%:
push the knob 2x within one second
Sample edit mode:
during “OUTRO EDIT” mode you can adjust the speed
of a sample individually, this setting will be saved together with the
begin/endpoints. You can change the speed from -12% to +12% in 3
different ways:
Adapt in 0,1% steps:
simply turn the knob to change the speed.
Adapt in 1% steps:
press the knob while turning to change the speed.
Reset speed to 0%:
push the knob 2x within one second
Used to select which signal goes to the “effect send”
output (46) and to the input of the effects/sampler unit. This can be one of the following:
One of the input channels.
One of the channels you selected with the “cross fader assign switch”(6). This can
be the left side “A” (CF-A) or the right side “B” (CF-B) of the cross fader.
If you select master, the effects will be used on the mixed master sound or you
can record the mixed master signal to the sampler.
if you select “master” the external effect return is switched off to avoid
Used to select the desired effect or sampler function:
The sampler can be selected as one of the effects, this means that you cannot
use the sampler together with one of the multi-effects. However it is possible
to use the sampler together with the crossover effects and/or with an external
effect unit, connected to the effect send/return (46+47).
The crossover effects and the multi-effects unit cannot be used together!
Before you can use the multi effects, you have to switch the crossover effects
off (see n°:8 for more information)
this is not really an effect but with the sampler you can record /
playback up to 495 samples (99 banks with each 5 samples) on one
-card. To learn more about the sampler, please refer to the chapter
called “About the sampler”.
In sampler function you can’t use the internal effects but you can connect any
external effects processor using the effect send/return connectors (46/47).
produces repeated sounds. You can easily mix beat synchronized echos
while selecting the desired “preset”(23). These presets can be tuned with the “X-
parameter knob”(24) in a range from 2mSec up to 2Sec. With the “Y-parameter
knob”(25) you can change the balance between the original and the delayed
Sweeps the music from left to right and back to the rhythm of the
beat. With the “presets”(23) you can choose how fast the music sweeps from one
side to the other. (example: With preset “2” it will take 2beats to go from left to
right and back) The presets can be tuned with the “X-parameter knob”(24) in a
range from 30mSec up to 16Sec. With the “Y-parameter knob”(25) you can adjust
how quick the music will be panned to the opposite side: you can choose for a
gently pan or an aggressive one.
This effect is best described as “putting a jet engine in the music”. It’s
as if the music turns around due to phase shifting. You can easily change the
flanger time (cycle) with the “presets”(23). These presets can be tuned with the
“X-parameter knob”(24) in a range from 100mSec up to 16Sec. With the “Y-
parameter knob”(25) you can change the flanger feedback level.