Downloading the Log
To logged data may be accessed via the front panel, via the RS-232 interface, and via an
SD card. SDI-12 does not provide access to the log
The log can be examined via the front panel (the Logged Data menu), downloaded via
command line (using the LOG command – see
Downloading the Log
), and downloaded to
SD card (see
SD Card Log Download
When downloading the log, the whole log or only parts of it can be downloaded. You
may specify the start date and optionally the end date for the downloaded data. You may
also ask for data from the last X days. In addition, MONITOR remembers the last log
download and will allow downloads ‘since last download’, which means that the only
parts of the log downloaded are those that have not been previously downloaded.
Logged Measurement Time
Measurements are not instant. Once initiated, a MONITOR measurement will take the
user defined averaging time plus some overhead to complete. For example, a
measurement that starts at 12:00:00, with an averaging time of 10 seconds will complete
at about 12:00:11. That measurement will be logged with 12:00:00 as the timestamp.
The timestamp of the logged measurement is the time the measurement was started.