Unit: It indicates the engineering unit corresponding to the display channel. As for the
setting method, please refer to Section Introduction to Unit Input Method.
Range: Record the high and low limit ranges of data ,with the set scope is -9999
The bit number of decimal points in the channel is determined by modifying the position of
decimal points in the high limit of the range.
Filter time: The times of sampling by instrument can be modified to prevent the measured
value from runout. Range is 0
9.9 seconds. Example of the relationship between the display
value of the instrument and filter time are given. When the analog input is given, the filter time is
set to 3.0 seconds, then the instrument automatically averages the sampling value within 3 seconds
(filtering time 3 x sampling period 1 second), and updates the display value by recursive method.
Small signal cutoff: Measured value < (high limit value of range
low limit value of range)
×the percentage of small signal low limit value of range, at this time, the instrument is
displaying the low limit value of range and set 0 to switch off the function of small signal cutoff.
Range: 0
Linear correction: The quantity of work is linearly corrected according to formula y = Kx +
b, where K represents linear coefficient and B represents zero-point correction. Under default state,
K=1.0, b=0.0,it will not be corrected. X indicates the quantity of work the channel shall display
before correction, and Y indicates the value the channel shall display after correction.
The alarming of low low limit, low limit, high limit, high high limit , and the numeric value
of hystersis for this channel ,please note the following points:.
The range of low low limit, low limit, high limit, high high limit, and the numeric value of
hystersis is - 9999
19999, and the input mode is the same as the range’s.
Alarming function: Off: The alarming function is switched off, On: The alarming function is
switched on.
Alarming contacts: Select the serial number of the relay’s contacts. D001 to D018 correspond
to the output of relay contacts from No. 1 to No. 18. “Nil” means no output.
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Select the wanted contents by pressing the keys “Down shift", "Up shift", " Page down " and
" Page up".
Press the "Enter" key to confirm the execution;
Press the "Esc" key to exit this screen. If the content of the screen is modified, it will pop up