is not completed, press "Delete" key, the instrument will remind "deleted" backup data is stopped.
When there is no SD card connection, there will be no SD card; when there is SD card
connection, there will be no prompt, there will be corresponding icon display in the status bar;
when there is no flash connection, there will be no flash prompt by pressing the "Backup" key;
when there is a flash connection, there will be corresponding icon display in the status bar, and all
files will be automatically backed up to the folder.
! Note: the parameters under the backup contents will become shadow prompt, which it
indicates that the parameters cannot be set.
4.11 Power-off screen
It displays the relevant records of the power-off and power-on duration of the instrument,
including power-off and power-on time, total power-off times and total power-off duration, which
can save maximum 100 alarming messages. When the number of saved items is up, the new
power-off record files will cover the earliest records.
: Serial number: The Serial number of power-off records is arranged according to the time
pattern. The closer the occurrence time is, the larger the Serial number is.
: Power-off duration: Power–off duration of instrument.
: Power-on duration: The duration when the meter reaches the measuring frame after
power up.
: The power-off duration: The duration of each power failure.
: The total times of power-off: The total times of power-off.
Total duration: Accumulating the duration of each power-off
: Operation keys:
Press the "Switch” key to switch to other display screens.
Press the "Up shift” key to move upwards to view the power-off record list.
Press "Down shift” key to move downwards to view the power-off record list.
Press the “Page Up” key to page up the page to view the power-off record list.
Press the “Page Down” key to page down to view the power-off record list.