Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
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7.2. FAQ
Question: New pipe, high quality material, and all installation requirements met:
why still no signal detected?
Answer: Check pipe parameter settings, installation method and wiring
connections. Confirm if the coupling compound is applied adequately, the
pipe is full of liquid, transducer spacing agrees with the screen readings
and the transducers are installed in the right direction.
Question: Old pipe with heavy scale inside, no signal or poor signal detected: how
can it be resolved?
Answer: Check if the pipe is full of fluid.
Try the Z method for transducer installation (If the pipe is too close to a
wall, or it is necessary to install the transducers on a vertical or inclined
pipe with flow upwards instead of on a horizontal pipe).Carefully select a
good pipe section and fully clean it, apply a wide band of coupling
compound on each transducer face (bottom) and install the transducer
properly.Slowly and slightly move each transducer with respect to each
other around the installation point until the maximum signal is detected.
Be careful that the new installation location is free of scale inside the pipe
and that the pipe is concentric (not distorted) so that the sound waves do
not bounce outside of the proposed area. For pipe with thick scale inside
or outside, try to clean the scale off, if it is accessible from the inside.
(Note: Sometimes this method might not work and sound wave
transmission is not possible because of the a layer of scale between the
transducers and pipe inside wall).
Question: Why is the flow rate still displayed as zero while there is fluid obviously
inside the pipe and a symbol of "R" displayed on the screen?
Answer: Check to see if "Set Zero" was carried out with fluid flowing inside the
pipe(Refer to Window M42). If it is confirmed, recover the factory default
in Window M43.