Chapter 4: Motherboard Connections
Chapter 4
Motherboard Connections
This section describes the connections on the motherboard and provides pinout definitions.
Note that depending on how the system is configured, not all connections are required. The
LEDs on the motherboard are also described here. A motherboard layout indicating component
locations may be found in
. More detail can be found in the motherboard manual
Please review the Safety Precautions in
before installing or removing components.
4.1 Power Connections
SMCI-Propietary Power Connectors
Four SMCI proprietary power supply connectors are located at JMB_E5 and JMB_E6 on the
motherboard. This connectors are reserved for SMCI proprietary server use only.
Riser Card Power Connector
A riser card power connector is located at JPWR_RISER. It provides power support for the
riser cards.
Hard Drive Backplane Power Connectors
Two power connectors are located at JHDD_PWR0 and JHDD_PWR1. They provide power
support for the hard drive backplane system.