5.1.8 Preventing Test Errors
Each test you create involves considerable effort on your part that is wasted if you allow undetected errors
to creep into your test methods. Always check the following points to reduce the chances of mistakes.
Always use the same orifice range at the same test point.
Keep the leakage flow to a minimum by making a good seal on all surfaces, including the valves in the
3. Ensure that nothing alters the size of the testing opening when the motors are on. If light valve springs
are used, make sure the valves are not sucked open by the intake test’s vacuum.
When testing cylinder heads, always use a flow inlet guide on the intake side of the head, and always
use the same guide and cylinder adapter.
5. As nearly as possible, conduct all tests with the same equipment, used in the same way.
6. When in doubt, repeat the tests. If you don't get the same results, start over.
5.1.9 Analyzing the Test Data
For simple analysis of the test results, it is only necessary to observe the Test Flow. This flow can be
compared to other tests of the same test device with the same setup without further calculations. No
atmospheric corrections are required.
Because of the flowbench design, atmospheric
differences cancel out automatically.
Detail analysis can be done with flow software (sold separately). Flow results could be entered and
plotted on graphs. How data is utilized and analyzed is up to the flowbench operator.
5.0 Operation