Activated Sludge and Digested Sludge Calibration Matrix
Calibration procedure is identical to MLSS calibration procedure (see section,
MLSS Calibration). Unit selection is not applicable.
Calibration unit is set at mg/l.
5 preset standard solution values are available for selection:
40000, 20000, 10000, 5000, 500.0. Defined Calibration Table
Calibration procedure is identical to MLSS calibration procedure (see section,
MLSS Table Calibration). Unit selection is not applicable.
Select Defined Table under “Mode/Unit” in setup mode (see section 7.4, Measurement
Mode/Unit), then select calibration unit, mg/L or ppm.
8.4 Correction Factor
A correction factor needs to be applied when calibrating for MLSS using turbidity standard
solutions to correct measured MLSS values.
Under MLSS Table calibration mode, select the appropriate turbidity unit (NTU, FTU, or
FNU) and calibrate to known standard solutions, then proceed to correction factor
adjustment. Users can also directly enter correction factor adjustment screen.
Known Solution Calibration
Display Calibration Result
Rinse the sensor with distilled water
and place into known MLSS standard
solution. Wait until the value is stable,
then adjust the F-factor using
and to the required MLSS value.
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.