User Defined Table (Defined)
This transmitter features a user definable reference table to create an application suitable
calibration curve.
User defined table requires at least two reference points and allows at most 10 reference
points. The more reference points provided, the higher the conversion accuracy. MLSS
measurement unit and transferred (Trans.) unit can be set as mg/l or ppm. The preset
values for user defined table is identical to the table for activated sludge (see Appendix,
Table 1), with ten built-in reference points. The user may edit each reference point as
needed; however, points within the table must be arranged in ascending or descending
“Defined” table must be selected under “Mode/Unit” in setup mode.
Press or to select
Defined, press to confirm
Reference Point
Transferred Value
Press or to select Set Point,
MLSS Unit, or Trans. Unit. Press
to modify the selection.
Select Setting Table and press to
proceed to Defined Table modification.
Originally Measured
MLSS Value
Configuration Complete
Defined Table settings complete,
press to confirm it.
Measurement Display Mode
2. An M-Error (top left) message indicates MLSS
values are not arranged in order as required.
1. A T-Error (top left) message indicates Trans.
values are not arranged in order as required.