7.13 RS-485 Communication
Enter setup of RS-485 communications. According to the Modbus protocol, set the transmitting
mode, parity, baud rate, stop bit, and ID number. About the details of Modbus protocol, please
refer to chapter 9. If under hold status, the measurement signal output maintains the last output
value before hold status.
or to
select RTU or ASCII mode.
Enter “Digital Filter” Setup
or to set the ID
number of the transmitter. The
valid value is from 1 to 247.
or to
select stop bit as 1 bit or 2
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.
Press to confirm it.
or to
select baud rate from 2400,
4800, 9600 or 19200.
or to
select parity check from
Even, Odd or None.