Figure 10: Explanation of Central Blood Pressure Waveform Characteristics
AASI Graph
The AASI Graph tab is optional, and can be enabled by selecting
Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness Index
on the
Report>Configuration>Data (see
Customizing and Configuring AccuWin Pro 4
). The graph on this tab plots
the diastolic on systolic BP values for each measurement captured in the study. Additionally, this tab lists the
calculated AASI value, diastolic as a function of systolic, systolic as a function of diastolic, the correlation
coefficient of the linear regression equation, and the coordinate of the average systolic and diastolic. The cal
culated AASI value will also be added to the Overall results on the Statistics tab. The user can specify which
BP values to use in the graph and calculations by selecting
Brachial BP Values
Central BP Values
near the
bottom of the legend.
Figure 11:
AASI Graph
Reviewing an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study
In the ABP Data view, you can review an ABP study for accuracy and context. When the data is retrieved by
AccuWin Pro 4, all readings in an ABP study that have event codes will be “tagged” in the first column of the
table. Tagged records are omitted from the analysis of the ABP study displayed in the Statistics and Hourly
Averages views, but these readings can be printed in the report.
The monitor tags data with an asterisk(*) based on criteria used to determine the validity of the data. The
exclamation point (!) is a permanent tag and is used when an accurate reading cannot be determined by the
ABP monitor. This tag cannot be changed and associated data will not be used in data analysis. The asterisk
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