Hourly Averages:
Analysis of ABP study data including study comparison.
Interpretative summary settings and results for current study.
Viewing an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study
In the upper portion of the ABP Data tab, a table displays the results for each of the BP measurements taken
or attempted during the study. The table also includes events recorded by the patient and dose response se
quences. To display only these events in the table, select Events Only from the Show pull-down menu. Events
and Readings displays all records.
Below the table are tabs offering different graphical representations of the BP data: Overview Graph, Central
BP Data, or AASI Graph.
Figure 9:
ABP Date Graph, Threshold tab
To adjust the size of the data table:
Position the mouse pointer over the bottom boundary of the table.
When the pointer turns to a double arrow, drag it up or down.
Overview Graph
The scale of the vertical axis represents blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate (bpm). The horizontal axis
displays the time in clock hours. Clicking on any point, measurement or event, in the graph highlights the
corresponding row in the table.
There are three tabs to the right of the graph: Threshold, Time-Slice, and Legend. The Threshold tab allows
the user to change the Threshold settings on the graph. The Time-Slice tab allows users to define specific
time windows in which to perform a statistical analysis. The Legend tab provides details on the configuration
of colors for the Overview Graph.
Shading on the graph indicates various periods of the study. The default colors (see Display Settings) and
definitions are:
Blue shading:
Indicates the asleep period of the study.
Yellow shading:
Indicates the white coat period, which is the first hour of the study (appears
only if enabled).
Light green shading:
Indicates a dose response period (appears only if programmed).
Light orange shading:
Indicates the periods used to calculate Morning Surge (appears only if
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