© STULZ GmbH – all rights reserved EN/11.2018/G67C
wib8000 original instructions
Example: state 1:
unit 1 on, unit 2 off (standby), unit 3 on
state 2 (after the first commutation):
unit 1 on, unit 2 on, unit 3 off (standby)
With the "test" button you can produce a manual commutation to check the function.
2. Week program
By the week program you can adjust two sequencing points to the minute for each day of the week. The time
of commutation must be entered in the format hh:mm. The setting "--:--" means that no commutation will be
done. For this it is sufficient to enter "--". If the WIB8000 ist not switched on at the time of commutation, the
concerned commutation will not be carried out.
3. off
With this setting no time dependent sequencing will be carried out. Only the commutation by failure (adjusta-
ble in the section "Emergency operation") and the additional unit start by overload (adjustable in menu "Con-
fig/Web Interface", section "overload start") will further be functioning.
The assignment of units to a zone and the determination whether the corresponding unit shall be in standby,
when the sequencing starts, has to be done individually for each unit in the menu Config/Web interface.
However the standby units can also be switched on by running units if alarms occur at these units. In the
choice box "valid alarms" you can adjust which alarms trigger the start of a standby unit and the cut off of the
faulty unit.
Several alarms can be marked by mouseclick while keeping the CTRL key pressed.
Moreover you can define the kind of temperature and humidity values, of which the zone average value is
calculated. In menu "Config/web interface" (see next page) you can determine whether the measured data of
standby units is taken into account for the calculation of the average or not.