© STULZ GmbH – all rights reserved EN/11.2018/G67C
wib8000 original instructions
Manual creation of a unit in the bus configuration
(Menu: Web Interface/bus/create unit)
You can define the A/C unit which you want to add to the bus configuration by four parameters:
1. bus (bus1 or bus 2), if you changed the bus designation, the new designations appear in this
2. global address
3. hardware (controller selection, influences the number of represented parameters the same as
the protocol volume and the unit commands which are used for the communication between WIB
and the unit/controller.)
4. type: MC, MSC - these types represent special software versions of the C5000 controller.
ECOCOOL: use this setting, if the A/C unit features a C5000 controller with the special EcoCool
In the same way you can manually remove a unit from the bus configuration. For this you only need to specify
the bus and the global address.
Manual removal of a unit from the bus configuration
(Menu: Web Interface/bus/delete unit)