Printf debugging
AN4989 Rev 3
It has to be used in combination with a Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) on host side which
provides the following features:
PC (Program Counter) sampling
Event counters that show CPU cycle statistics
Exception and Interrupt execution with timing statistics
Trace data - data reads and writes used for timing analysis
ITM trace information used for simple printf-style debugging
This chapter only addresses the printf-style debugging feature.
In order host debugger can manage flexible pin assignment ensure SWO pin is not used for
other purpose.
In STM32CubeMX:
Select "Trace Asynchronous Sw" in
selection box as shown in
Figure 50. SWO Pin configuration with STM32CubeMX
This secures that the PB3 is not allocated to another use. No specific code is generated.
Other init steps are performed by the SWV integrated in the IDE or in the ST-LINK utility.