AN4989 Rev 3
Connecting to the board
Figure 25. SWD pins PA13 and PA14 in Reserved but inactive state
under STM32CubeMX
Figure 26. SWD pins PA13 and PA14 in Active State under STM32CubeMX
All three states are functional from SWD connection point of view.
It is anyway recommended to explicitly activate the SWD pins by selecting “Serial Wire” or
“Trace Asynchronous SW” (together with SWO. Refer to
). This is the
only way by which STM32CubeMX protects the I/O from being selected for another use
during the configuration process by highlighting the conflict to the user.
JTAG is not available on Nucleo and Discovery boards.
On EVAL boards, it is available through a dedicated 20-pin connector.
Nevertheless, in STM32CubeMX, SWD remains the default and preferred debug port. For
this reason, extra JTAG pins are not reserved. It is then strongly advised to explicitly enable
the desired JTAG configuration.