Connecting to the board
AN4989 Rev 3
4.2.4 STM32CubeIDE
Reset and connection modes can be changed through
Run -> Debug Configurations -> Debugger
Figure 32. Select Generator Options Reset Mode
The Mode Setup group allows to set up the Reset Mode along with other debug behaviors.
Reset Mode as Connect under reset: asserts hardware reset and then connects to the
target (under reset).
Reset Mode as None: performs a hardware reset and then connects to the target.
Reset Mode as Software system reset: does not perform any hardware reset but
connects to the target and performs a software system reset.
In case of problem to connect to the board with STM32CubeIDE, make sure that NRST from
ST-LINK is properly connected to STM32 NRST.
Hotplug mode is not proposed by STM32CubeIDE. STM32CubeProgrammer can be used