Configuration changed
Module configuration (inputs/outputs etc.) changed. Read in the module number
Conflicting periods
The 'Conflicting periods' error message occurs if 1 or more feed dosing timers
have to be active at the same time.
Counter already assigned
The counter has been assigned to two or more controls.
Input already assigned
The input has been assigned to two or more controls.
Meteo faulty
The result measured by the meteo station (wind direction, wind speed and/or
rain level) is outside the preset limits (these limits depend on the type of sensor
ME-54 or PL-MWA).
Module not installed
The module number set for the terminal does not exist
Module not responding
Module address not found, check the settings on the module
Module reset alarm
Module continues to reset due to a fault, check the module
No communication address
Missing device address.
No information from houses
Software version PL-9000 is too old, update software.
House not in use.
No input assigned
No input terminal number entered
No output assigned
No output terminal number entered
No outside sensor
The control installed requires an outdoor sensor but no outdoor sensor has been
No pressure control
The control installed requires a pressure control but no pressure control has been
Not a valid input
The input number does not exist on the module.
Not a valid output
The output number does not exist on the module.
Not a valid period
The times set for a timer must be ascending and the difference between
“Begin” and “End” must be at least 1 minute.
The starting time (Begin) + the running time (Propagation time) of a
lighting control
must not be after the next starting time (the time can be
with the next starting time)
Output already assigned
The output has been assigned to two or more controls.
Outside sensor faulty
Value measured by outside temperature sensor < -50.0°C or > +50.0°C
Potentiometer faulty
The value measured by the potentiometer is outside the limits (EGM 100P, winch
motors etc.)
Pressure sensor faulty
The pressure sensor value measured is outside the preset limits.
Pressure too high
The pressure measured is higher than the maximum alarm limit calculated
Pressure too low
The pressure measured is below the minimum alarm limit calculated
RH sensor faulty
The RH sensor value measured is outside the preset limits
RH too high
The RH measured is higher than the maximum alarm limit calculated
RH too low
The RH measured is below the minimum alarm limit calculated
Sensor faulty
The values measured by the sensor (temperature, RH, CO
, pressure etc.) are
outside the preset limits
Temperature sensor faulty
Value measured by temperature sensor < -50.0°C or > +100.0°C
Temperature too high
The temperature measured is higher than the maximum alarm limit calculated
Temperature too low
The temperature measured is below the minimum alarm limit calculated
Unknown terminal type
This type of terminal does not exist
Ventilation too high
The ventilation measured is higher than the maximum alarm limit calculated
Ventilation too low
The ventilation measured is below the minimum alarm limit calculated
Wrong input type
The type of input set does not comply with the type of input which the control
can use for its control operation
Wrong output type
The type of output set does not comply with the type of output which the control
can drive
Wrong terminal setting
Faulty allocation. The function you have assigned to the terminal is not
supported by the module.
At a flap control; first check if the flap is not in manual operation mode.