Final Assembly
Cover fuselage, wing, and tail feather
components with a high quality light weight
and user friendly film such as Stevens
AeroLITE or AeroFILM.
Follow diagram on plan for sanding
instructions to complete tape hinge method
for rudder and vertical stabilizer as given on
plan set.
Tape components to work table, bevel side
down, using a low tack masking tape. Space
or gap rudder off of vertical stabilizer by 1/64
Apply length of 3/4 inch wide clear tape or
suitable hinge tape across gap.
Lift excess clear tape against the edge of a
new razor blade to remove excess material.
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hand-model fund”
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Remove taped parts from work table. Now
invert assembly and, with freshly taped
surface facing down, fold parts back to align
beveled edge of movable surface (rudder) flat
relative to fixed surface (in this case the
vertical stabilizer) run a length of tape along
back-side of hinge and remove excess tape
with sharp razor blade as before.
Use a low tack masking tape to hold the part
folded back on itself as illustrated below.
Repeat previous three steps to hinge RIGHT
and LEFT ailerons to wing and to hinge
elevator to horizontal stabilizer. Remember
the beveled surface should always face the
underside of the model.
Fit vertical fin (with rudder previously
attached) to slots and tabs in fuselage
assembly and retain with medium CA glue.
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