Wing Construction Continued
Cut to length (13 in.) and install the lower
carbon fiber spar doubler, then install central
ribs R1 and R2. Refer back to the plan sheet
“Carbon Bar Stock Cutting Guide” to cut
length of carbon for lower spar.
Carbon fits into recess cut into S1 lower spar
jig and spans between R2 ribs across center
of wing section.
Carbon is captured by S1 jig and R1/R2 ribs.
Flatten wing against work surface, inspect all
parts to ensure proper fit, then tack glue
assembly together where ribs meet trailing
edge and lower spar assembly.
Use only enough glue to keep parts from
Bond parts W2 to trailing edge of wing and
left and right ribs R1.
Fit S2 upper spar jig to wing assembly.
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