Assemble Tail Skid
Gather parts F14a, F14b, and F14c. Cut a 4
in. length of .045 in. wire from 12 in. stock and
make 90 degree bend in one end (use the
plan sheet to match length of bend).
Using thick CA glue, laminate F14b on top of
F14a. Nest “bent end” of wire in channel of
F14b and retain with medium CA glue.
Using thick CA glue, laminate F14c on top of
Once glue has cured, straighten wire where it
exits plywood then bend down at 45 degree
angle (use plan set to gauge bend and angle)
complete tail skid by making an upward “U”
shape bend at end of skid.
Paint or cover tail skid to match covering job.
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