Science First
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Using the Controls:
The controls in Starry Night™ are grouped in three areas of the screen:
• Toolbar
• Side Pane (for example: SkyGuide, Favorites, Options)
• Application Menu
If any of the controls described in this section are missing from your display, reinstall QuickTime and make sure to
choose the Recommended Install option.
The toolbar is the strip of buttons above the main window.
The toolbar has the following set of
basic controls (each set of controls is explained in a later section):
• Time and Date
• Time Flow Rate
• Viewing Location
• Gaze
• Zoom
Side Panes
These panes are along the left side of the screen.
They can be viewed as the following options:
• Favorites
• SkyGuide
• Options
• Media
• Find, info
Selecting an option from the drop-down menu causes that pane to open, revealing a set of controls.
Each pane opens to the same width. However, by clicking along the right edge of the pane and
dragging the mouse, you can make the pane narrower or wider.
Within a pane, you can expand or collapse various layers by using these buttons:
Expand layer.
Collapse layer.
Software Operation